The Website is Growing

The ideas are overflowing. I’m going to have a FUN Room and when you enter by choosing the tab, I’ll have some secret rooms for you to sign in to enter. I’m going to add a Fantasy Room for all 2012-09-15-14-12-40my fun fantasy pictures and ideas. An Erotic Room for certain fans…well you know who you are.

I can’t wait to get this all up and running. Email me with your ideas. Tell me what you’d like to see. Things are still a bit disorganized,  but you know what it’s like when you’re moving and adding on.

At some future time I’d love to name recipes for my characters and add their favorite food to a book. You could actually help by participating. Any other suggestions.send them to me at: Subject: Website Suggestions. Thanks everyone.


DeWolf’s Salon and Spa: AS THE CHAIR TURNS by Eliza March 


I’ve been working on an ongoing project that’s about a hair colorist named Delia who is the only human working in the high end spa in Boca, owned and run by Franco DeWolf alias Frankie the wolf. Iresistible to the social elite clientele, he talks a big show but thank goodness the staff is there to cover his useless ass. Why the siren on the rock for inspiration?  Delia’s ninety year old aunt returns to her lost siren beauty once a month as she sings through the night out on the beach. It’s only later that Delia’s gift of song becomes exposed for what it is…siren blood and she’s horrified!

The series, called As the Chair Turns, is an ongoing humorous paranormal serial about Delia and Frankie and the local interaction between the supernaturals and the spa’s human clients.

Start looking for  DeWolf’s Salon and Spa in the early spring of 2017.

Kitchen update

I know you’ve been waiting  impatiently to see how the kitchen project is coming along. Ha ha! But although it seems like I’ve been making coffee in the bathroom forever, it’s only been since last month. Now that it’s finally coming along, I’m loving it. We had a major glitch after the granite went in. The backsplash we bought a couple of years ago just didn’t look right with it.

We both adore the backsplash. But there was no way of making it work. So I started my hunt for a new backsplash. Absolutely nothing appealed to me …well let me rephrase that …everything appealed to me — it just wouldn’t go with the granite on the countertops or the cabinets.

I began my hunt online and found something I thought might work. I liked the texture of it, and I figured I could find the color to go with what we had. Later that day when my husband came home from work, we made a trip out to the tile store. The last row, the last aisle, in the back corner, they had just brought in a new display and, as we looked at it, we both said yes, that’s what we’re looking for.

Look at that texture, look at the colors. It’s all natural stone, rocks my favorite things. I get to stare at the details, search the crystals, look inside the little tiny geodes. Every little space is a world in itself. I can go exploring on the backsplash in the kitchen while I’m washing dishes.

Nope. The kitchen is not done yet. But at least that one wall is finished. We still have one to go. Then it’s the challenge of that pass through over the sink. We may need ideas, and are certainly going to need help. The granite slab is sitting here in my family room waiting to get installed.