Out of My CAVE

I’m taking a short break so I can list topics I’m dealing with. Why is it a short break? Because my to do list is still full. How do you deal with overwhelming business? I love checking off my lists. I think chalk boards are even more fun. First I wipe it off…then I wash it off. DONE.

COMING 2021 Power of the SEA the next book in the GEMINI Prophecy. This series is quite complicated so each book takes time to put it together. It’s the details and checking for accuracy that takes the time. The cast of characters is beginning to rival GAME OF THRONES. I’m trying to keep from killing them all off. I’m trying to save them … all the GEMINI. It may not be possible. We’ll see.

So apparently I came out of my cave too soon… Who can avoid politics? I’m blocking until after the election. Please none of those comments.

What about global warning? I’m doing my part. Limited breathing. Eating no flesh. Losing weight. (Needed to anyway). Working? Is that why I’m eating less? Could be I’m not as bored while writing.

How can I keep this up? Releasing. Promoting. Writing.

Got any great vegan recipes? I’m also looking for gluten free. Drop your links in the comment section please.

Power of the Light releases at all but Amazon…that’s tomorrow. I put on sale for the first month. I worked on this book for thirteen years on and off. Based on a per hour rate, it will take thirteen years of excellent sales before I begin to enter the black. FYI…the print version will also be available for those of you still addicted to holding a book in your hands and sniffing the ink. (It’s still fun.) The Fae Myth is the prequel (the back story) and it’s FREE at SMASHWORDS or $.99 at Amazon. Contact me and I’ll send you a version of your choice.

Power of the LIGHT out today/tomorrow is $2.99 right NOW.


Book of my heart …


The Gemini Prophecy

by Eliza March

DEDICATED …to my mother… a true GEMINI soul



An ancient prophecy eternally links two government profilers from opposite sides of the Atlantic when they discover a gruesome reality—the chronicles of life, love, death, and destruction—Graeme McConnell has already lost so much. How much more can he risk?

Irish born psychic, Morgan Cunningham is familiar with the old Celtic religions and ready to accept the speculations of the prophecy experts. Graeme, a pragmatic American FBI agent is rooted in reality and despite the evidence tying him to Morgan, he’s in denial, challenging her every step of the way.

But a serial killer is murdering profilers. This time, Morgan could be the next target.

In order to stop the serial killings, Graeme and Morgan face the ultimate evil. In the process will they succumb to the old gods’ prophecy? Until Graeme can no longer deny the overwhelming evidence tying him to Morgan and the prophecy, their lives and the souls they are meant to protect are in eternal danger. Could the solution to staying alive be as simple as accepting their destiny and trusting in the other half of their Gemini souls?

The prequel A FAE MYTH is Free at this LINK https://books2read.com/GEMINIFAE and a MOBI version at this link https://www.smashwords.com/books/download/726494/4/null/0/0/the-gemini-prophecy-a-fae-myth.mobi

Destiny stares at you in dreams then stalks you in waking nightmares…

Two Irish teen-aged girls stumble upon a magical book hidden within standing stones at a long forgotten portal. Believing local mythology is merely an interesting tale about immortal killers, vengeful gods, and age-old battles, Morgan and Brianna take the stories lightly…until the book mentions their ancestors.

A deadly rift once split the fae and mortal realms as the result of a forbidden love between the fae and druids. The Gemini, their descendants, chosen caretakers of the elemental stones, are challenged to protect the elements. Evil forces use black magic to release the daemon from the Underworld vowing to destroy all the Gemini.

The girls discover Morgan may be destined to fulfill that ancient prophecy.

Years later when psychics and profilers, all over the world, are again targeted for death, the historic pattern becomes obvious to a former FBI agent. Forced to join forces with an Irish psychic, they discover an improbable relationship links their past.

Mythology isn’t in the training manual, but when Graeme witnessed a killer disappear into a solid stone wall, he admitted it was time for a reality check. Then the Irish woman’s words seep into his waking thoughts, and he’s convinced she’s the same girl who’s been in his dreams since childhood, his imaginary playmate. What does this ability to enter each other’s minds asleep or awake mean?

Morgan can’t believe the stubborn man refuses to accept their connection…until the shared dreams turn into nightmares…


Dear Readers,

The best day for an author is when a reader writes a positive review. Our work lives in the lives of people who make our stories theirs. Share your favorites with your friends and family.

Thank you so much ~~Eliza

Update — It’s raining. Hallelujah!

Gardenias on the way.

July update: it still hasn’t rained much for this month but the heat index is high. Our AC doesn’t stop. The electric bill is ridiculous… thanks for the new meter Duke energy. We trimmed the Crocus but the gardenia pops out a new bloom every time it sprinkles. We’ll wait. ~~~Eliza

I’ve never seen my yard so dry and dusty. For 33 years it’s been self reliant. If an established plant can’t make it without supplemental fertilizing, watering, or chemicals then this isn’t the acre of land it’s meant to be growing on. But I’ve been very tempted to give Mother Nature a hand this spring. Today she may pull through for my plants for the second time this week. The greening of my yard has been slow and painful. The rabbits don’t have much to graze on here. Fortunately we have neighbors who water. The rabbits have gone out to dinner next door.

What’s up Next? Time to Catch up, My Friend!


Let’s see…I’ve published a few books since I last posted.  The Lion, The Leopard, and The Wolf camperf5.000x8.000.indde out In the beginning of October, WERECAT Fever came out the beginning of this month, November, and The Moon, The Madness, and the Magic is scheduled for the first week in December. All of them are available at most eBook retail outlets. The covers are beautifully done and published under the Scarlet Rose division of the Wild Rose Press Publishing. 

“The writing style is addictive and the book is very easy to read.”

“I loved it that the writer didn’t hold back on the scenes.”


” I really loved how the author was able to bring so much emotion into this book. The story really revolved more around the characters and less about the story…”

“Really enjoyed this second chance romance with some twists and turns.”

“…great read with characters with great chemistry. This book starts with amazing heat form the very beginning.”

“…a good well written read that sucked me in and kept me hooked right until the end I cannot wait to try the rest …”

Here comes the next… The Moon, The Madness, and The Magic available for PreOrder November 20th. Delivered December 2nd.








…And on the lighter side of paranormal with an odd twist there’s the next novella in the As the Chair Turns series.

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A Witch’s Curse, which I expected to complete in March, April, May… I guess I wasn’t feelin’ it. This is a series I write for fun, so if it isn’t fun…I’m not writin’. In any case, life settled down and became a giggle fest again so I could remember the funny parts. You get the point …this is now on pre-order at most outlets.

A Witch's curse copy

That means it will be available for you to read on Christmas Eve if you buy it now. I have the rest of this time to polish it up and shine it just for you. Buy it now and carve out some time for yourself to read it once the gifts are wrapped and distributed on December 24th.  It’s time to find out what happened after the Christmas party last year, isn’t it?



End of Summer Bash -Prizes

Are you ready to wrap up summer? No!

So let’s party and stock up on our TBR pile before we ‘fall’ short. Ha! Join me and a ton of authors at the Romance Studio Party site August 21-25 2019.

Eliza March introduces book 4 in As the Chair Turns book series with Delia, Frankie, and the Luna Salon and Spa gang, and we’ll all be will be partying there! Don’t forget to stop by and say, Hi!

Time is Priceless – Use it Wisely

make this day great quote board
Photo by Alexas Fotos on Pexels.com

What is Writer’s Block? The inability to move your story plot forward.

Why is Writer’s Block? You know… Everything else gets in the way of Story. You forget who your characters really are. Where they’re going or why. Life is a lot like that too.

Clutter can be as bad as a blank page or canvas.  Start somewhere. Clear the path to open your mind. Have no preconceived notions. Allow no no obstacles to prevent you from advancing.

This is my advice to me. You’re welcome to look over my shoulder…

You can’t write or live if you can’t pause and open your senses first. Find your inner space where the story grows and mentally become a time traveler. Ask questions. What happened before ? What caused the action? What would happen next if something changed. Get out the telescope or microscope and zoom in–zoom out. The view is different from different perspectives or angles. Pay attention to details. Make every word count. Make every second count.

animal bee bloom blooming
Photo by Kat Jayne on Pexels.com

You only do this life once (I think) so do it well and thoroughly. Appreciate a sunrise or a sunset. Watch the moon rise. Laugh at the squirrels.

Take a moment to be still. Be observant. It will make you wiser.


Make a plan. Follow it. Break it. Only deter if the outcome may be worth it or unavoidable. Adjust. 

Breathe. Inhale, but don’t forget to exhale. Expel the bad and keep the good.

Listen with your brain turned on high. React with your heart and soul. Write one word.  OPEN. Add another. OPEN. UP. NOW. LIFE. IS. WAITING. For you…

Smile at one person. Then two…


Today, I’m talking about editing…polishing…beta readers

Not really a secret: I’ve been an editor for an electronic press for almost twelve years. I was fortunate to have an excellent trainer and supervising editors who helped along the way, and as I look back, I’m very proud of the books I acquired and published. I’ve worked with a variety of award winning authors who began as newbies to Rita finalists and New York Times best sellers. One thing is always the same…no one can edit their own books. The flaws in our own work seem to blend into the fabric we’ve woven, making it nearly impossible for us to identify until we have been away from the subject for awhile. (Thank goodness for spell check or I couldn’t write a note without typos.)

My editing specialty is actually content editing, or developmental editing, and finding repetitions and holes in the story lines. Once an author has the manuscript written, I’m  the first reader who recommends how to tighten up the Plot, point out where the characters’ personalities and behaviors need more Development and Depth, and check to make certain the Pacing and Hooks keep the reader interested to the very end…and beyond.  I want that book to stay in the reader’s head long after they finish reading it. I want it to be one they’d like to read again and again.

But as an author, I find it hard to duplicate this ability for myself. Why is that? At the time it looks okay when I send it to my beta readers. They pick up on a few things but editors pick up everything! 

Oh, I easily identify what it needs, long after it’s published, but if left to my devices, I’d rewrite my books every two years, just to make sure. Well not totally rewrite, but I’d re-polish them, dust them off, at the very least.  And then, I also believe I should leave them alone. Sometimes that initial wording isn’t the most grammatically correct way of putting it, but it’s the most honest interpretation of what’s going on in the author’s head.  The wording is slightly uncomfortable, but the feeling is accurate. So when editing, it’s important to allow the character’s voice to reveal itself  in dialogue while the author’s voice comes out in narrative as well as in the way the style of the story is put together.

My author voice is more than one style, depending upon what I’m writing. It’s one way in my serious plots, but something entirely different in my romantic humor. One is an example of my dream state writing, and the other is full of my internal thoughts, a process I don’t dare speak.  In any case, they are both different from my style here on my blog, which is my more informative voice. So, it’s important that wording and sentence style belong to the author, as long as the structure is somewhat accurate; no dangling participles or misplaced modifiers, split infinitives and so on…

Everyone worries about the comma, but as long as the pause is in the right place, and the reader can make sense out of the sentence, then all is well. Different grammar  rules allow for some flexibility. Take fiction versus non fiction: fiction has more lenient rules often because like poetry the author controls the meaning of dialogue and narrative using sentence length and rhythm to determine pace. Pace helps drive a story. During action, danger, or suspense scenes the reader is tied to the scene (no breaks) until the conclusion. Sometimes, I find myself holding my breath so I read faster to catch my breath before moving on to the next scene. If the author has been paying attention, he/she will give the reader a change of pace–some down time to recuperate–before going on to another breath holding scene.

You can see why it’s important to have a fresh eye on the manuscript. If you’re the one writing the story, you know what’s coming. You’ve edited this a few times and certainly read it enough that you aren’t holding your breath or sobbing at the scenes this time around. It’s beginning to make it more difficult to be objective…more difficult to see where you need speed or a break…more difficult to identify what could make your book the best it could be. If the editor has been in the trenches with the author helping rewrites maybe they both need an objective eye, a fresh point of view. The answer is an educated beta reader–someone who can answer your list of concerns and point out anything else they might come across.

You can find more on this website by clicking on the Writing Tab.

Maximum Impact the Writers’ Notebook by Editor, Maureen F. Sevilla 

writing copy
Available from these stores:
AmazonAppleBarnes & NobleKoboScribdSmashwordsPlaysterAngus & RobertsonMondadori Store

You can’t help who you love… A Witch’s Tale

img_3334So I’m writing this fantasy salon and spa series and the characters feel like family. Strange family but who doesn’t have a strange family member or two…or more? They’ve become co- workers and family to me.

Teamwork! It doesn’t matter if they’re shifters or faeries or gargoyles, when it comes to getting the demon bridal party from hell presentable for humans…literally…it’s all about teamwork and respect!

My husband and I went out to dinner and observed the dance of the staff, and we commented to each other about their seamless grace in getting their jobs done and working together. Tall, short, slow, quick…each did their one-step or two-step to the right or left, trays high, drinks low, swaying or dodging–doing the dance.

I see this same team work in my story characters when the stakes are high and the chips are down!

Yesterday, Frankie was late. The Halfling twins, Rolf and Dolf, weren’t there on time either… I had to create the salon dance until the Calvary arrived.

What happens if and when the system breaks down? This is what sets up this story…Delia’s goal to fix Frankie!

Sick of juggling schedules because of Frankie’s curse, Delia spends her time in the next Luna de la Mar adventure with her best friends Carrie and Jen hunting down the witch who was dumb enough to trust the alpha Werewolf with her heart. While Delia struggles with answers to her own dilemma: What is she? She re-discovers, beneath the scales, fur, and fangs of her friends and foes, everyone suffers the same great pain when loving and losing. You love who you love! Even if you know from the start it will cause you pain. Is that what awaits our heroine?

#shifters #fairies #werewolves #romantic #comedy #witches #charms #magic #love #ghost #mermaid #siren #dragon #vampires #atlantis #poseidon #comingofage #soulmates

Eliza March's Official Author Weblog